Hocus Pocus has captivated the hearts of millions for over 30 years and only continues to grow in popularity with each passing year. The film follows the Sanderson Sisters, a trio of unlikely witches who are hell bent on taking the lives of children and staying young forever. After being hanged in 1963, Winifred Sanderson uses her last few minutes to cast one last spell. 300 years later a trio of kids light the Black Flame Candle, which brings the witches back to Salem and now they must stop them taking the lives of all the children of Salem, before it's too late.
The below descriptions of each Sanderson Sister are taken from the 1992 shooting script, so they are as accurate as they possibly can be.
The below descriptions of each Sanderson Sister are taken from the 1992 shooting script, so they are as accurate as they possibly can be.
Winifred Sanderson is the eldest and by far the most powerful. Once beautiful, her beauty has been corrupted by evil, but she is still obsessively vain, and hates children for their youth and prettiness (in fact she can't say the words child or children without slightly gagging on them).
Winifred has a serious anger problem; when she gets really furious it produces electrical energy which she then discharges on the objects of her wrath. She has immense skill with potions and spells, especially when she uses her beloved spell book. Her sisters drive her absolutely nuts. |
Mary Sanderson is the middle sister, she loves children. They're her favourite dish; she knows a million recipes. Mary's sense of smell is incredibly keen; she can follow the scent of a child like a bloodhound.
Mary is a sneak, who misses no opportunity to suck up to her powerful sister Winnie, or to pick on her little sister Sarah. |
Sarah Sanderson is the youngest, she's also the strange one. Wild and wood-nymphy in appearance, she is the seventeenth century evil flower child, who loves "to play".
Her sisters use her to lure their victims into their clutches. Sarah likes to torture things: small animals, children, bugs, you name it. Any suggestion of cruelty (to somebody else) sends her into a fit of idiotic laughter, while any fear for herself sends her into a screaming fit. She's a mess. |